w s t a y l o r @ w c 2 k 8
T h e a m a z i n g w o r l d o f w s t a y l o r .

lol :P

Sep 7, 2008 4:41 AM by Discussion: Community

1 half million downloads!!!!   YAY!

[e digicons]:ninja:[/e]  Tooting my own horn! 

...and despite having my last upload in Aug 2007 and my most recent tonight...

I am still...

[e digicons]:wc:[/e]   #10 in dock icon downloads!

[e digicons]:wc:[/e]  #17 in total wallpaper downloads! 

[e digicons]:wc:[/e]  #16 in total site referrals!

[e digicons]:wc:[/e]  #33 in site hits!

[e digicons]:wc:[/e]  #74 in total downloads! 

YAY!  [e digicons]:D[/e]

11 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Check out the free stuff from Billy...

Nov 10, 2005 4:49 PM by Discussion: Windows Software
Announcing the release of Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions

Source: forums.microsoft.com/msdn

"I am proud to announce that today, November 7th 2005, we officially released the downloadable versions of Visual Studio 2005 Express on MSDN and they are free to download for one year!"

You can download Visual Studio Express from the links below:


Visual Studio Express is free for one year

"Until November 7, 2006, we are promotionally discounting the downloadable versions of Express to free. This doesn’t mean that the product turns off after a year, but rather that as long as you download the product before November 7, 2006, you can get it for free and you can use it forever."

Rewards for Registering

The other big news announced at the Visual Studio launch is the availability of the Visual Studio Express DIY Kit, which is a set of benefits you get for registering Express and includes:

250 royalty-free stock photography images from Corbis
Free Windows Icons from IconBuffet
Free eBooks including: Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition: Build a Web Site Now, Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!, and Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!
3rd party components from VSIP partners
And we have more benefits coming soon
Want More Information?

Take a tour of the newly revamped Visual Studio Express Edition Web site, read the Frequently Asked Questions, and as always, please tell us what you think :)

We hope you enjoy Visual Studio Express as much as we do!

The Visual Studio Express Team

Get Ready for Visual Studio 2005 with Free* Microsoft E-Learning Courses and Clinics.

Source: microsoftelearning.com

Whether you are interested in creating Windows forms, building Web applications, implementing Data Access, or finding out about Visual Studio Team System, you can access the E-Learning topic you want, when you want it, and learn at your own pace. Each lesson includes hands-on virtual labs and offline functionality. These courses, valued at $99.00 each won't be free forever, so sign on today.

In addition, you may consider taking a free Microsoft Skills Assessment to help you meet your Visual Studio 2005 training goals. You'll receive a learning roadmap with additional skills resources including instructor-led classroom training and books. Take a skills assessment today.

For more information, visit the Visual Studio 2005 Learning Resources page. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vs2005/learning

9 Replies Reply 23 Referrals

Download and Print Now !!!

Jan 26, 2005 5:56 PM by Discussion: Windows XP
Do something with one of those AOL DVD Cases that you are always getting in the mail... Put a Windows DVD Cover on it...

Check them out...

Download the Home Edition Here

Download the Professional Edition Here

Download the Media Center Edition Here

Download the Server 2003 Edition Here

5 Replies Reply 19 Referrals

Download and Print Now !!!

Jan 26, 2005 5:56 PM by Discussion: Windows XP
Do something with one of those AOL DVD Cases that you are always getting in the mail... Put a Windows DVD Cover on it...

Check them out...

Download the Home Edition Here

Download the Professional Edition Here

Download the Media Center Edition Here

Download the Server 2003 Edition Here

3 Replies Reply 49 Referrals

Create Your Own Orbicon Icons.

Jan 4, 2005 6:30 AM by Discussion: Icons

I have made over 100 icons in the past 2 days. They all have the same idea in mind; glass orbs with an image referring to a program inside of the orb. For some reason I cannot stop making these little orbs. Now, I know that some of you are saying - "Orbs are very old..." or "We are tired of seeing orbs..." - but I say, "MAN! I wish I could stop making these things!"

This is where this article gets interesting: I am going to share with you just how I made these orb icons, so that you too might try and see whether or not you can stop making them. Yes, this is a tutorial for making Orbicon icons using Photoshop and Icon Developer. I hope it comes in handy for someone.

Step one: Open Photoshop and Icon Developer.

Step two: Find some image or logo that you would like to use for your icon. If you want to Google search images for the logo that will work as well. I like to use http://www.brandsoftheworld.com to find high resolution EPS (encapsulated post script) images for download. So I am going to use this site to find a logo for www.mozilla.org - the giant red dinosaur ( found here ) - and I am going to download the EPS of it and save it to disk.

Step three: Open the EPS file using Photoshop.

Should look something like this:

Just click OK on this dialog box.

Step Four: The next step will be to make the EPS file background transparent. The wonderful Magic Wand in the toolbar of Photoshop.

Notice that I have selected the Magic Wand and set the tolerance to (5) and chosen anti-alias and contiguous.

Then choose the white area around the mozilla.org dinosaur, and go to select and choose inverse. Push [ ctrl + X ] or go to Edit --> Cut and that will remove the dinosaur from the EPS file.

Next go to File --> New and set the background to transparent, click ok to the default size then go to Edit--> Paste and a new image with the red dinosaur will appear, with a transparent background.

Step Five: Now to begin making the Orb'd dinosaur. The easiest way I found to do this was to reduce the image size to 128x<128... meaning go to Image-->Image Size - and change the smaller number to 128 (constrain proportions selected)... this case being the height. Your dinosaur dimensions should be 146x128. Now go to Image--> Canvas Size and change that to 2 by 2 inches. The blank area around the dinosaur should be a lot bigger now. Now we will go to Filter--> Distort--> and Spherize. We will increase the slider to 100% and Press OK... then apply it 2 more times, by pressing [ ctrl + F ]. the dinosaur should look somewhat larger and kind of Orb'd. Go to Image--> Trim choose transparent pixels check all of the sides (top, bottom, left, right) and Press OK. Leave that image alone.

Step Six: To make the glassy orb: Go to File--> New set background to transparent and make the size 128x128. Then right click the Rectangular Marquee Tool and change it to Elliptical Marquee Tool (Figure1). Set its properties like the way I have them in the screen shot. Then zoom into the blank image (about 500%) and click the top left corner, so that a circle will be selected that touches each side of the square. Keep trying until you have a circle that is as big as the canvas.

Change the foreground color to white. and go to the Gradient tool, choose foreground to transparent and then choose the radial gradient. (Figure2)

Figure1 - click to zoom Figure2 - click to zoom

Then drag the radial gradient tool across the orb from bottom-right to top-left. Then go to Layer--> New and create a new layer. Now select another foreground color - this will be the color of your orb. Drag the Radial Gradient tool from top-left to bottom-right this time. I have chosen Red... Now go to Image and then Canvas and set it to 1x1 inches. Set your zoom back to 100%... Then right click the White to Transparent Layer and choose Blending Options. Choose Drop Shadow and set the Angle to 90... then choose Inner Shadow and uncheck global lighting set its Angle to 120 and set the Size to 30. (Figure3)

Figure3 - click to zoom

Next add the layer for the light glare on top of the orb. Go to Layer--> New and then with the Elliptical Marquee Tool create an oval shape over the orb... then go to Select--> Transform Selection and move that oval to position and make it the size you feel comfortable with (Figure4). Choose the gradient tool and select white as the foreground color... then drag the linear gradient from top to bottom - you can then move that oval around if you want. (Figure5)

Now We Have Our Orb

Figure4 - click to zoom

Figure5 - click to zoom

Step Seven: Add the mozilla.org dinosaur to the icon. Go back to your dinosaur and Press [ ctrl + A ] and then [ ctrl + C] to Copy the dinosaur... then go to your orb and press [ ctrl + P ] to Paste the dinosaur there. Then Free Transform the dinosaur, by Pressing [ ctrl + T ] - set the horizontal and vertical scale to 25% and center the dinosaur in the orb. (Figure6) - Then right click the dinosaur Layer and go to Blending Options - choose Drop Shadow and Press OK. Choose the Dinosaur Layer and set it to 80% Opacity. (Figure7)

Figure6 - click to zoom

Figure7 - click to zoom

Step Eight: Create the Icon. Now go to Image-->Trim... this will make the image back to a smaller size. Then go to File-->Save For Web and choose PNG-24 Then select the Image Size tab and uncheck Constrain Proportions and set the size to 128x128.(Figure8) Then Click Save.

Figure8 - click to zoom

Now We Have Our 128x128 PNG

Step Nine (Optional): Open Icon Developer and choose Convert Image to Icon. Choose ONLY XP Icons and click OK(Figure9). Then go to File-->Save As and name your Icon.

Now We Have Our 128x128 Icon

Download the Finished ZIP Here...

Step Ten (Optional): Zip your *.ICO and *.PNG file together and Upload it to the Misc Icons Section at Wincustomize.com. :)

You can see examples of my Orbicons over at http://wstaylor.wincustomize.com - ENJOY !!!

11 Replies Reply 102 Referrals

wstaylor and aetaylor ;)

Dec 14, 2004 3:43 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Some of you may or may not know that I recently got married... well I have been slacking when it comes to uploading some wedding pictures... so here you go...

22 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Is that a milestone?

Dec 7, 2004 9:39 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I am wondering if this would be considered a milestone... I finally got to 100,000 Downloads
30 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Apr 27, 2004 3:57 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Why? Why are so many people against the idea of others posting links to their own skinning sites in forums or message boards?

Consider this… If you believed you were a part of a community and you thought that you had something to contribute (for free)… not software or freeware... and you thought you were doing your part to help this community grow, how would you feel if your attempts at becoming a valuable piece of this puzzle were shot down by your own people? Why can’t other skinning sites and forums play “Big Brother” to others? Why try to stomp out little brothers who would just like to grow with the idea of skinning?

SPAM… how could someone trying to list their part of the community, in the community forums be considered spamming?

Advertising… How could a site that isn’t selling anything or promoting anything be considered as advertising something?

Self Promotion… How could someone that has nothing more than a forum for people of the community to share thoughts be considered self-promotion… when the only real thing that is being promoted is the skinning community itself?

This community will NOT continue to grow instead it will be controlled by only a few major companies (just like everything else) until something changes…

Go ahead and start bashing me for this post… I am prepared.
109 Replies Reply 7 Referrals

Apr 10, 2004 1:18 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Become a member and i'll love you for it... http://forum.wstaylor.net
62 Replies Reply 3 Referrals

Mar 28, 2004 1:57 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I get a LOT of comments about the Windows Logo... What is the REAL problem? Please, don't turn this thread into a wstaylor-bashing post ( I get plenty of that in my comments )... I just want to know... What about the people that enjoy the Windows Flag? Where does this anger come from??? This is not a question about art or creativity... Just, why the Windows Logo?
55 Replies Reply 1 Referral

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